Subjective Night Vision Correction

The first TRUE solution to night vision problems

Vmax Vision's revolutionary PSF refractors are the only subjective refraction device that corrects nighttime vision problems during a standard refractive examination. Patients can finally enjoy a real solution to their night vision limitations, while doctors can accurately satisfy a prevalent need that has been unmet by the phoropter and other refraction devices.

Satisfying the Demand for Better Night Vision

Individuals complaining of nighttime driving problems commonly experience a significant change in refractive error when the pupil dilates in low-light conditions. This change is difficult to measure with the conventional phoropter-based refraction, as it requires that the patient be refracted in nighttime conditions. As a result, most eyeglass wearers with nighttime vision problems do not receive a meaningful correction for poor night vision.

How it works

PSF refractors uses a patented process to identify and correct nighttime-specific visual aberrations during the refractive exam, resulting in a unique night vision Rx in just a few minutes

Vmax Vision's use of a nighttime point spread target, rather than a Snellen letter system, is more conducive to nighttime driving conditions and is a ready solution for nighttime vision problems. The device allows the background on which the PSF target is viewed to be darkened to simulate nighttime vision conditions so a unique Rx can be easily generated.

Once the nighttime prescription has been calculated, the patient can see the difference between their new Vmax Rx and their Vmax Night Rx. Patients can then decide if they want two pairs of spectacles – one for day and one for night; one pair of spectacles for night only; or one pair with a refractive power balanced between day and nighttime vision.

Unique Night Vision Rx
  •        - Low-light refraction identifies night vision aberrations

  •        - Delivers a specific nighttime correction in just a few minutes

  •        - Maximizes acuity and contrast sensitivity simultaneously

  •        - Reduces glare and halos during night driving

  •        - Optimal night vision is achieved when combined with a personalized Encepsion™ Lens

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Study Results

Independent studies have shown that patients experience a significant improvement in night vision with the the unique PSF nighttime refraction combined with an Encepsion Lens.